Jimmy Dang

I am a fourth year majoring in Computer Science at UC San Diego. I have experience and am interested in working on fullstack projects in Java, JavaScript, and TypeScript. At heart, I am a software engineer looking to develop proejcts that will empower the community. I am currently a software engineer intern at Google.

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google logo

I am currently a software engineering intern at Google for summer 2020. I am on Chronicle's UX team, working on an interactive parser generator that will streamline the process of developing a parser for a customer's logs. This project primarily uses Typescript React for the UI, Jasmine as its testing framework, and Bazel as its build tool.

Northrop Grumman

northrop grumman logo

I was a software engineer intern at Northrop Grumman for summer 2019. I worked on the Triton project, developing a modernized webapp (a port of an outdated Java applet) to assist the team's procurement of a contract. This project involved Java and Maven for the backend and JavaScript React and Redux for the frontend. I spearheaded the redesign of the frontend of the application and helped restructure some of the backend file structures. Furthermore, I assisted fellow interns who were not as familiar with the tech stack to meet strict deadlines.

UCSD CSE Department

ucsd cse logo

I am a head computer science tutor for CSE department at UCSD, assisting in lower division classes. From 2018-2019, I tutored for Rick Ord's CSE 11 and 30 and served as a head tutor in Spring 2019. From 2019-current, I tutor for Professor Paul Cao as a head tutor for CSE 8B and 12. As a tutor, my base responsibilities include holding weekly lab hours, grading student submissions, and proctoring exams and quizzes. As a head tutor, my responsibilities include desigining programming assignments before distribution, holding weekly discussion sections, and writing quiz and exam questions. I also assist in overseeing the rest of the tutor team helping Professor Cao make informed decisions.

Triton Engineering Student Council

tesc logo

I was involved in TESC from June 2018-June 2020. From June 2018-May 2019, I assisted with SD Hacks 2018 and HackXX 2019 as an event organizer. During this time, I also implemented features on TESC events, an internal event management system written by the tech team and implemented the aforementioned hackathons' pages. From May 2019-June 2020, I served as the SD Hacks 2019 director. I led a team of 20 to plan an event with an attendance of 750+ participants, coordinated with 15+ vendors, companies, and student orgs, and raised over $80k in funding (while cutting the usual budget by $50k). After the event, I continued to help with other TESC affiliated events.



auxilium home page

Auxilium is a webapp that connects homeless people with food, hygiene, and shelter resources that they may not have access to. By texting a number available on our website, they are prompted with a series of messages. These messages will ask them for the service that they are in need of and for their location. We then use this information to find the 3 nearest organizations that we are partnered up with that provide the service they desire. We then send them markers on Google Maps that will allow them to get to said locations. This project was submitted to LA Hacks 2019 and won Facebook's Best Community Building Hack.


youseesd logo

YouSeeSD is an Android app that will become your tour guide of the UCSD campus. The app will personally recommend a tour based on what you are interestsed in, which you indicate by choosing themes you want the tour to focus on. These themes include the six coleges, categories of majors, and more. Whether you want to tour the specific college that you are admitted to or you want to have a tour that only visits the dining halls on campus, YouSeeSD is able to provide these tours whenever you desire.

In Your View

inyourview home page

In Your View is a webapp that allows a user to easily host rooms for interviews. The room will display the videos of all users inside the room alongside a text editor and room for notes. As one party writes code, the other is able to easily follow along on their screen. Our group also wanted to really emphasize continuous learning, and to do so, we implemented a feature that allows users to have access to their past interviews. Once inside a room, all videos are blurred so the interviewer is unable to judge the candidate based off of their appearance. With these features, we hoped to make it more difficult for there to be bias against the job candidate.


CSE 8B - Introduction to Computer Science: Java II

Quarters Taught

  • Fall 2019, Professor Paul Cao; Assistant Head Tutor
  • Winter 2020, Professors Paul Cao & Gerald Raj; Head Tutor

Fall 2019: This was my first quarter tutoring for Professor Cao. As a result, I was assigned as an assistant head tutor to help me get accustomed to the way he ran the class. During this quarter, along with another assistant head tutor, I was in charge of attending and leading all discussion sections for the quarter. With a small team of 3, we prepared discussion slides that summarized the assignment of the week and occasionally had worksheets if we determined if the class needed the supplementary material.

Winter 2020: For this quarter, I continued to help run discussion sections. The difference, however, was our tutoring staff (ones employed by Professor Cao) were in charge of "even" week discussions and assignments. For the most part, I kept the same responsibilities as the previous quarter. In this quarter, I also designed and implemented an assignment focusing on generics.

CSE 11 - Intro to CS & OOP: Java

Quarters Taught

  • Fall 2018, Rick Ord
  • Fall 2020, Professor Paul Cao; Head Tutor

Fall 2018: This was my first quarter tutoring for any CS class at UCSD. My responsibilites included attending every lecture, weekly tutor training and staff meetings, and holding lab hours for students to come and receive assistance. I was also in charge of grading about 8-10 student submissions per weekly assignments.

Fall 2020: I will be tutoring for Professor Paul Cao as a head tutor this upcoming fall.

CSE 12 - Basic Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design

Quarter Taught

  • Spring 2020, Professors Paul Cao & Haytham Allos; Head Tutor

Spring 2020: This was my first quarter virtually tutoring for a class. I was a head tutor for this iteration of the course and was in charge of 4 other tutors. In this quarter, I was assigned to design one assignment along with my assistant since we had more bandwidth in terms of head tutors. As a result, I also took on the responsibility of helping design questions for weekly quizzes (although I am not allowed to share this) to ensure that students were properly understanding the material. I also conducted weekly "interviews" with 12 students where I would quiz students from a question bank.

CSE 30 - Computer Organization and Systems Programming

Quarters Taught

  • Winter 2019, Rick Ord
  • Spring 2019, Rick Ord; Head Tutor

Winter 2020: This was my second quarter tutoring which allowed me to take on more responsibilities than in my first quarter. Along with the typical responsibiltiies of grading assignments, attending weekly staff meetings, and holding lab hours, I helped run several quiz review sessions where I would explain how to solve select questions from past quizzes.

Spring 2020: This was my first quarter as a head tutor for any professor. I was assigned to the assignments team where I helped implement some of the solution code and write and proofread the assignment writeups. Additionally, in conjunction with another head tutor, I led a tutor family of 3 other tutors.
